

    • Goldfinch/Ciglis/Щегол
      Oils on canvas
      This painting already have found a good home. As usual there is a strange story about it. ?

      I painted it in May when there are a lot of baby birds around. I didn’t want to paint a bird at all, but it appeared as it usually happens when using accidental painting techniques. Soon after the work was finished my husband found a dying baby finch. My daughter saved it feeding every 15 minutes – it survived and went to the birds sanctuary.
      Interesting that in some medieval painting traditions goldfinch was a symbol of Christ’s Passion and his crown of thorns. ?

      Putniņš raudāja, galviņa sapēja. Kam gāju, putniņ, apiņu dārzā? ?

      А вы знали, что художники иногда изображали мадонну с младенцем Иисусом и щеглом. У щегла красные перья на голове символизировали терновый венец. Это показывало, что Иисус и Мария знали о том, что предстоит Христу.